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As promised, this is Jay-Z's break up record to Beyonce. Listen closely bitches, and you'll pick up on some things. (Like his excessive usage of the letter "B")

Dang that's messed up. I thought they made a really good couple. But if you listen to the song he's obviously dumping her.

Dang man this seems juicy..but same time that song is too friggin long.So I have'nt caught anything yet..lol

Actually, yeah it is. A while back he was seen hanging out with his newest def jam artist, Rihanna. B was pissed that she had fixed him up, only to let another bitch benefit from him.

That is a very sad song. He did not refer to Beyonce as a bitch...so why did you imply that?

Irre stop erasing my comments you fuck face nasty fag whore bag. Don't worry I have a lot more where that can from shit stain.

that song is not dumping her at all. the lyrics say she was 23 at the time, and that was 2 years ago. B is now 25 and she just tagged along to jay 'z tour over-seas and was on stage with him in Australia like this week! This story is ludacris. the second verse is about B but it's not a "break-up" song the third verse is about Jay's nephew passing away in a car crash. This song is deep so yall probley can't get it!
Jay came back to rappin' cuz Beyonce is still singing! Otherwise he would have stayed retired and chillin with her!

That's an interesting theory anonymous. I noticed that he said she was 23, as well. HOWEVER, this song is going to be featured on his NEW ALBUM. So it must be something he's feeling right now, or he would have edited the little part about Beyonce out. Check into it for me and let me know what you find out!

He already stated in an interview that he made this song years ago after his nephew died..In the song if you listen he said at 23, B is 25..

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