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More (disgusting) baby news.....

Well, let's jump right into it. Everybody knows about Bobby Brown and Whitney allegedly having a nasty split-up. Well it's true, and the divorce is official. But that hasn't slowed down Bobby Brown. Regardless of the fact that he can barely afford the four children he already HAS, sources say that
child number five is "in the oven" as.....I........type. *gasp* Isn't this deliscious? AND that's not the best part. The baby is by none other than......(fuck a drumroll, I need a tambourine for this one)............

---------------------> THIS woman! Ms.Karrine Steffans. Karrine shot to fame back in the late 90's as a video hoe, but mastered superstardom when she published her own book, "Diary of a video Vixen". In her book, Karrine tells about how she was passed around from Rap Artist to Rap Artist (including Ja-Rule and Snoop Dogg) and about how her celebrated oral sex skills landed her the affecionate nickname "SUPERHEAD". (LOL isn't that nasty?) I bet she wishes she had only given Bobby Brown oral sex. The interesting part is that the two of them plan to put a positive spin on things by creating thier own reality show. But..... if her name is Super head, and she's having a baby by Bobby Brown..... Does that make the baby Super CRACK head?

Dayyyyyyyyyyym Bobby! I gotta admit the new girl is a step-up from Whitney Crack-head ass.

Wow so what do yall think about this? I'm sure Bobby's show won't be HALF as interesting without Whitney.

Whitney is so crazy, I can't imagine what Bobby's show will be like without her, definitely not as entertaining, but at least that also hopefully means we won't have to listen to him talking about pulling shit out of her ass - remember that conversation? Gross, that was sooooo nasty.

MY GOODNESS !!!!!!!!!!!!

what is really good....

soooooo....I thought Karrine wrote that book to ..ya know....admit stuff....put the truth out there...and move on with her life...

now that hoe back to the same game....my goodness...

what is she looking for...money...attention?....thats just crazy

WWWOOOWWW!!!! I can't imagine for the life of me why she would even want to be with Bobby Brown.....in any way,shape, or form!!! ID the "Super Crack Baby" coment still has me rolling. This is a great blog keep up the good work luv.

Hispanic Mami

And just where are you getting your information? Or did you make this up?

You hatin ass hispanic bitch, take yo out of place somewhere else bitch, better yet go watch telemundo, exposed hoebag. Why you constantly jocking black issues? Every comment you make is negative on one black person or another. Bitch find your "coon" entertainment somewhere else.

Anonymous sweetie don't DOUBT my information! If I knew a story was total B.S. then I wouldn't post it! As a matter of fact, I had the stories of Lil' Wayne and the Beyonce break-up situation, and it JUST aired on tv last night. SO I brought you the information faster than anyone else did. Just trust my judgement, and when it all comes to the light, remember where you heard it first, biatch!

turn her into a dopehead like him? Not very long....as a matter of fact it seems like it's already been done. Shit she has got to be on SOME narcotic to sleep with Bobby Brown. Ewwww....

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